
Confidentiality Agreement in Counseling Sample: How to Protect Your Client`s Privacy

As a counselor or therapist, it is important to establish trust and confidentiality with your clients. The confidentiality agreement is one of the essential tools that you can use to ensure that your client`s privacy is protected. In this article, we will provide you with a sample confidentiality agreement that you can use to safeguard your client`s privacy.

Confidentiality Agreement Template

The confidentiality agreement is also known as a privacy or non-disclosure agreement. It is a legal document that confirms the client`s privacy and confidentiality rights. Here is a sample confidentiality agreement that you can use as a template for your practice:

1. Purpose

The purpose of this agreement is to maintain confidentiality and protect the privacy of the client in the counseling process.

2. Definition

Confidential information includes all information that the client disclosed during the counseling sessions. It also includes any information that might be inferred from the counseling process.

3. Exceptions to Confidentiality

There are situations where the counselor is required by law to disclose information. Such situations include:

– When the client is in danger of harming themselves or others

– When the client discloses information that indicates child abuse or neglect

– When the client discloses information that indicates elder abuse or neglect

– When the counselor receives a court order to disclose information

– When the client authorizes the release of information in writing

4. Limitations of Confidentiality

The confidentiality agreement also has limitations. It does not cover the following situations:

– When the client makes threats or intimidates the counselor or others

– When the counselor is required to disclose information to a supervisor or colleague

– When the counselor needs to consult with a lawyer or seek legal advice

– When the client or counselor has to testify in court

5. Protection of Confidentiality

The counselor agrees to take all reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of the client. These steps include:

– Keeping the counseling office secure and confidential

– Storing all files and records in a secure location

– Not disclosing the client`s information to anyone without written consent

– Destroying the client`s records in a confidential manner

6. Termination of Confidentiality

The confidentiality agreement terminates when the counseling process is completed. However, the counselor is still required to protect the client`s privacy and confidentiality after the termination of the agreement.


A confidentiality agreement is a crucial tool to protect your client`s privacy and confidentiality rights. It is important to establish this agreement at the onset of the counseling process to ensure that the client is aware of their rights and the limitations of confidentiality. Use the above confidentiality agreement template as a starting point for creating your own agreement. Remember to safeguard your client`s privacy and confidentiality at all times.

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